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2803 (港元) | 9803 (美元)

# A股# 智能贝塔# 多因子# 价值# 低波动# 规模# 质量

3173 (港元) | 9173 (美元)

# A股# 新经济# 新基建# 十四五# 高质量增长# 2060碳中和
Premia 中国科创50 ETF

3151 (港元) | 83151 (人民币) | 9151 (美元)

# A股# 科创板# 半导体# 人工智能# 生物科技# 2060碳中和

3181 (港元) | 9181 (美元)

# 智能电动车# 人工智能# 机器人# 自动化# 5G# 电子竞技# 半导体

2810 (港元) | 9810 (美元)

# 越南# 泰国# 马来西亚# 菲律宾# 印尼
Premia 越南 ETF

2804 (港元) | 9804 (美元)

# 供应链# 中产阶级# 消费升级
中国长久期政府债券 (非对冲)

2817 (港元) | 82817 (人民币) | 9817(美元)

# 中国债券# 长期# 政府债券# 人民币# 指数纳入# 美元对冲

3001 (港元) | 83001 (人民币) | 9001(美元)

# 中国债券# 高息债# 美元# 亚洲信用债
美国国库浮息票据 (分派)

3077 (港元) | 9077 (美元)

# 国库券# 一周久期# 税务效率
2803 (港元) | 9803 (美元)
3173 (港元) | 9173 (美元)
Premia 中国科创50 ETF
3151 (港元) | 83151 (人民币) | 9151 (美元)
3181 (港元) | 9181 (美元)
2810 (港元) | 9810 (美元)
Premia 越南 ETF
2804 (港元) | 9804 (美元)
中国长久期政府债券 (非对冲)
2817 (港元) | 82817 (人民币) | 9817(美元)
中国政府债券 (美元对冲)
9177 (美元)
3001 (港元) | 83001 (人民币) | 9001(美元)
美国国库浮息票据 (分派)
3077 (港元) | 9077 (美元)
美国国库浮息票据 (累计)
9078 (美元)
美国浮息票据 (非上市)

精选观点 & Webinar
premia headline
While Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) has been dominating media and market attention, the “next big thing” has been developing rapidly in the background in China, in the form of super-scale AI infrastructure. It involves, among other things, a national computing power network; data centre clusters from Guangdong to Inner Mongolia and from Gansu in the West to Anhui in the East; centres for the development/training of large language models; and abundant green energy integrated with massive energy storage facilities. What is rapidly emerging is a gigantic national network connecting smart grids, intelligent network routing and energy storage – one that has no parallel anywhere else in the world. The pay off will be lower cost execution of computing processes and high-end manufacturing/AI-based industrial automation. The current media focus has been on the speed of the microchip as the key factor in the AI race. The following insight details the elements of the AI-infrastructure that are likely to prove critical in the next phase of AI development.
While Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) has been dominating media and market attention, the “next big thing” has been developing rapidly in the background in China, in the form of super-scale AI infrastructure. It involves, among other things, a national computing power network; data centre clusters from Guangdong to Inner Mongolia and from Gansu in the West to Anhui in the East; centres for the development/training of large language models; and abundant green energy integrated with massive energy storage facilities. What is rapidly emerging is a gigantic national network connecting smart grids, intelligent network routing and energy storage – one that has no parallel anywhere else in the world. The pay off will be lower cost execution of computing processes and high-end manufacturing/AI-based industrial automation. The current media focus has been on the speed of the microchip as the key factor in the AI race. The following insight details the elements of the AI-infrastructure that are likely to prove critical in the next phase of AI development.

Has the World Underestimated China’s Household Consumption by more than 10% of GDP?
China’s household consumption appears to have been massively underestimated in international comparisons, because of differences in data definitions and valuation methodologies. The two big areas of differences in international comparisons are: 1) Social transfers in kind, which could be worth some 6% of GDP; and 2) The value of housing services provided by owner-occupied homes, which could be worth another 5% of GDP. In this article, our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim discusses why the criticisms of China’s growth model and "underconsumption" look flawed.
China’s household consumption appears to have been massively underestimated in international comparisons, because of differences in data definitions and valuation methodologies. The two big areas of differences in international comparisons are: 1) Social transfers in kind, which could be worth some 6% of GDP; and 2) The value of housing services provided by owner-occupied homes, which could be worth another 5% of GDP. In this article, our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim discusses why the criticisms of China’s growth model and "underconsumption" look flawed.

China A-shares Q1 2024 factor review
Despite mainland stocks putting up a solid Q1—the CSI 300 Index gained 3.1% for the quarter—and although macro fundamentals appeared as if they might be turning a corner at the start of 2024, bullish sentiment toward China equities had yet to materialize, with many questioning whether a first-quarter rebound would sustain. In the commentary below, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors, delves into the details of China’s economy and market action during Q1, discussing how Beijing’s plan to nurture high-quality growth might translate to macro conditions and investors’ portfolios.
Despite mainland stocks putting up a solid Q1—the CSI 300 Index gained 3.1% for the quarter—and although macro fundamentals appeared as if they might be turning a corner at the start of 2024, bullish sentiment toward China equities had yet to materialize, with many questioning whether a first-quarter rebound would sustain. In the commentary below, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors, delves into the details of China’s economy and market action during Q1, discussing how Beijing’s plan to nurture high-quality growth might translate to macro conditions and investors’ portfolios.

STEM, cultural and art joints for children – where to go in Guangdong region?
While investors would look at it as a period of crackdown on for profit tutoring businesses, since the “Double Reduction” policy (to reduce the pressures of homework and after-school tutoring) in 2021, young students indeed are able to spend more time on extracurricular activities that they enjoy. Given the size of addressable market, there has been a proliferation of various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning, traditional culture and art-jamming activities in China, including many well-equipped new establishments fitted out with the latest digital technologies such as AI, 3D exhibitions and robotic guides, catering to various developmental needs and interests of children who now have more free time at hand they can deploy for more fun activities. Take the Guangdong province for example, there are 150 public libraries, 144 cultural centers, 352 museums, and 141 art museums built as of 2023 – and many of these are free of charge or charge very affordable fees available for both locals and visitors. In this article we share some of the popular ones that you may find of interest for your next trip to the region.
While investors would look at it as a period of crackdown on for profit tutoring businesses, since the “Double Reduction” policy (to reduce the pressures of homework and after-school tutoring) in 2021, young students indeed are able to spend more time on extracurricular activities that they enjoy. Given the size of addressable market, there has been a proliferation of various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning, traditional culture and art-jamming activities in China, including many well-equipped new establishments fitted out with the latest digital technologies such as AI, 3D exhibitions and robotic guides, catering to various developmental needs and interests of children who now have more free time at hand they can deploy for more fun activities. Take the Guangdong province for example, there are 150 public libraries, 144 cultural centers, 352 museums, and 141 art museums built as of 2023 – and many of these are free of charge or charge very affordable fees available for both locals and visitors. In this article we share some of the popular ones that you may find of interest for your next trip to the region.

Evolving Chinese consumer trends: a shift towards quality, experience, and emotional value
Consumer spending in China continues to grow strongly by international standards, even as the pattern of that spending evolves. The image of weak consumerism in China – as portrayed by the media – is misleading in two ways. For starters, the growth in retail sales in China is only “low” relative to the very high (mostly double digit) rates recorded in the 2010s. However, at 7.2% y/y growth in the full year 2023, China’s retail sales growth compares very well internationally. Beyond that, there are also changing social trends which are driving different forms of consumption in China, which then support investments that are more reflective of the transformation in China. In this article, we discuss more about how young Chinese are the main driving force in China’s consumer market and identify the winners of this quiet but significant sea change in consumer behaviour.
Consumer spending in China continues to grow strongly by international standards, even as the pattern of that spending evolves. The image of weak consumerism in China – as portrayed by the media – is misleading in two ways. For starters, the growth in retail sales in China is only “low” relative to the very high (mostly double digit) rates recorded in the 2010s. However, at 7.2% y/y growth in the full year 2023, China’s retail sales growth compares very well internationally. Beyond that, there are also changing social trends which are driving different forms of consumption in China, which then support investments that are more reflective of the transformation in China. In this article, we discuss more about how young Chinese are the main driving force in China’s consumer market and identify the winners of this quiet but significant sea change in consumer behaviour.

China A-shares Q4 2023 factor review
Extremely negative sentiment culminating Q4 2023 toward Chinese stocks have brought A shares to exceedingly low valuations for an economy with so much inherent growth potential, that it would appear the upside risks far outweigh the downside risks at this point. Meanwhile we see differentiating features of the bedrock and new economy indices including factors tilting toward bargain stocks and high-quality growth at a reasonable price, along with a concentration in strategic sectors that truly drive China’s real economy. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors reviews the factor performance of the onshore A-shares markets in Q4 2023, and reasons why investors may look back at 2024 as a turning point for China’s equity markets, and outstanding entry point for a vintage well positioned for growth recovery in the new normal.
Extremely negative sentiment culminating Q4 2023 toward Chinese stocks have brought A shares to exceedingly low valuations for an economy with so much inherent growth potential, that it would appear the upside risks far outweigh the downside risks at this point. Meanwhile we see differentiating features of the bedrock and new economy indices including factors tilting toward bargain stocks and high-quality growth at a reasonable price, along with a concentration in strategic sectors that truly drive China’s real economy. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors reviews the factor performance of the onshore A-shares markets in Q4 2023, and reasons why investors may look back at 2024 as a turning point for China’s equity markets, and outstanding entry point for a vintage well positioned for growth recovery in the new normal.
Premia 图说
  • 研究团队
China’s 10-year sovereign bond futures reached a record high, fueled by a buying frenzy for government debt. The strong move came after data showed global investors boosted their holdings of Chinese debt to a record level last month. Speculative buying from retail investors, demand from fund managers riding a wave of inflows, and purchases by companies seeking higher yields than regular bank deposits are also fueling the rally. One-year deposits at China’s largest banks pay a record-low of just 1.45%. Consequently, China’s total deposits slumped by RMB 3.9 trillion in April and have yet to recover in May, with a significant proportion of funds rushing into higher-yielding fixed-income assets like government bonds. Some traders are betting on further stimulus measures to weigh on yields, as China’s consumer prices rose less than expected in May and factory prices fell for the 20th consecutive month. Shanghai Securities News reported that there is room for China to cut the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for banks, as well as interest rates, in the third quarter. China needs to inject an additional RMB 500 billion of liquidity this year, which is equivalent to a 25-basis-point RRR cut. According to Natixis and GS, China’s 10-year yield could fall to between 2.18% and 2.2% by the end of the year, from its current level of around 2.25%.
Premia 图说
  • 研究团队
China’s 10-year sovereign bond futures reached a record high, fueled by a buying frenzy for government debt. The strong move came after data showed global investors boosted their holdings of Chinese debt to a record level last month. Speculative buying from retail investors, demand from fund managers riding a wave of inflows, and purchases by companies seeking higher yields than regular bank deposits are also fueling the rally. One-year deposits at China’s largest banks pay a record-low of just 1.45%. Consequently, China’s total deposits slumped by RMB 3.9 trillion in April and have yet to recover in May, with a significant proportion of funds rushing into higher-yielding fixed-income assets like government bonds. Some traders are betting on further stimulus measures to weigh on yields, as China’s consumer prices rose less than expected in May and factory prices fell for the 20th consecutive month. Shanghai Securities News reported that there is room for China to cut the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for banks, as well as interest rates, in the third quarter. China needs to inject an additional RMB 500 billion of liquidity this year, which is equivalent to a 25-basis-point RRR cut. According to Natixis and GS, China’s 10-year yield could fall to between 2.18% and 2.2% by the end of the year, from its current level of around 2.25%.
精选观点 & Webinar
premia headline
While Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) has been dominating media and market attention, the “next big thing” has been developing rapidly in the background in China, in the form of super-scale AI infrastructure. It involves, among other things, a national computing power network; data centre clusters from Guangdong to Inner Mongolia and from Gansu in the West to Anhui in the East; centres for the development/training of large language models; and abundant green energy integrated with massive energy storage facilities. What is rapidly emerging is a gigantic national network connecting smart grids, intelligent network routing and energy storage – one that has no parallel anywhere else in the world. The pay off will be lower cost execution of computing processes and high-end manufacturing/AI-based industrial automation. The current media focus has been on the speed of the microchip as the key factor in the AI race. The following insight details the elements of the AI-infrastructure that are likely to prove critical in the next phase of AI development.
While Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) has been dominating media and market attention, the “next big thing” has been developing rapidly in the background in China, in the form of super-scale AI infrastructure. It involves, among other things, a national computing power network; data centre clusters from Guangdong to Inner Mongolia and from Gansu in the West to Anhui in the East; centres for the development/training of large language models; and abundant green energy integrated with massive energy storage facilities. What is rapidly emerging is a gigantic national network connecting smart grids, intelligent network routing and energy storage – one that has no parallel anywhere else in the world. The pay off will be lower cost execution of computing processes and high-end manufacturing/AI-based industrial automation. The current media focus has been on the speed of the microchip as the key factor in the AI race. The following insight details the elements of the AI-infrastructure that are likely to prove critical in the next phase of AI development.

Has the World Underestimated China’s Household Consumption by more than 10% of GDP?
China’s household consumption appears to have been massively underestimated in international comparisons, because of differences in data definitions and valuation methodologies. The two big areas of differences in international comparisons are: 1) Social transfers in kind, which could be worth some 6% of GDP; and 2) The value of housing services provided by owner-occupied homes, which could be worth another 5% of GDP. In this article, our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim discusses why the criticisms of China’s growth model and "underconsumption" look flawed.
China’s household consumption appears to have been massively underestimated in international comparisons, because of differences in data definitions and valuation methodologies. The two big areas of differences in international comparisons are: 1) Social transfers in kind, which could be worth some 6% of GDP; and 2) The value of housing services provided by owner-occupied homes, which could be worth another 5% of GDP. In this article, our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim discusses why the criticisms of China’s growth model and "underconsumption" look flawed.

China A-shares Q1 2024 factor review
Despite mainland stocks putting up a solid Q1—the CSI 300 Index gained 3.1% for the quarter—and although macro fundamentals appeared as if they might be turning a corner at the start of 2024, bullish sentiment toward China equities had yet to materialize, with many questioning whether a first-quarter rebound would sustain. In the commentary below, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors, delves into the details of China’s economy and market action during Q1, discussing how Beijing’s plan to nurture high-quality growth might translate to macro conditions and investors’ portfolios.
Despite mainland stocks putting up a solid Q1—the CSI 300 Index gained 3.1% for the quarter—and although macro fundamentals appeared as if they might be turning a corner at the start of 2024, bullish sentiment toward China equities had yet to materialize, with many questioning whether a first-quarter rebound would sustain. In the commentary below, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors, delves into the details of China’s economy and market action during Q1, discussing how Beijing’s plan to nurture high-quality growth might translate to macro conditions and investors’ portfolios.

STEM, cultural and art joints for children – where to go in Guangdong region?
While investors would look at it as a period of crackdown on for profit tutoring businesses, since the “Double Reduction” policy (to reduce the pressures of homework and after-school tutoring) in 2021, young students indeed are able to spend more time on extracurricular activities that they enjoy. Given the size of addressable market, there has been a proliferation of various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning, traditional culture and art-jamming activities in China, including many well-equipped new establishments fitted out with the latest digital technologies such as AI, 3D exhibitions and robotic guides, catering to various developmental needs and interests of children who now have more free time at hand they can deploy for more fun activities. Take the Guangdong province for example, there are 150 public libraries, 144 cultural centers, 352 museums, and 141 art museums built as of 2023 – and many of these are free of charge or charge very affordable fees available for both locals and visitors. In this article we share some of the popular ones that you may find of interest for your next trip to the region.
While investors would look at it as a period of crackdown on for profit tutoring businesses, since the “Double Reduction” policy (to reduce the pressures of homework and after-school tutoring) in 2021, young students indeed are able to spend more time on extracurricular activities that they enjoy. Given the size of addressable market, there has been a proliferation of various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning, traditional culture and art-jamming activities in China, including many well-equipped new establishments fitted out with the latest digital technologies such as AI, 3D exhibitions and robotic guides, catering to various developmental needs and interests of children who now have more free time at hand they can deploy for more fun activities. Take the Guangdong province for example, there are 150 public libraries, 144 cultural centers, 352 museums, and 141 art museums built as of 2023 – and many of these are free of charge or charge very affordable fees available for both locals and visitors. In this article we share some of the popular ones that you may find of interest for your next trip to the region.

Evolving Chinese consumer trends: a shift towards quality, experience, and emotional value
Consumer spending in China continues to grow strongly by international standards, even as the pattern of that spending evolves. The image of weak consumerism in China – as portrayed by the media – is misleading in two ways. For starters, the growth in retail sales in China is only “low” relative to the very high (mostly double digit) rates recorded in the 2010s. However, at 7.2% y/y growth in the full year 2023, China’s retail sales growth compares very well internationally. Beyond that, there are also changing social trends which are driving different forms of consumption in China, which then support investments that are more reflective of the transformation in China. In this article, we discuss more about how young Chinese are the main driving force in China’s consumer market and identify the winners of this quiet but significant sea change in consumer behaviour.
Consumer spending in China continues to grow strongly by international standards, even as the pattern of that spending evolves. The image of weak consumerism in China – as portrayed by the media – is misleading in two ways. For starters, the growth in retail sales in China is only “low” relative to the very high (mostly double digit) rates recorded in the 2010s. However, at 7.2% y/y growth in the full year 2023, China’s retail sales growth compares very well internationally. Beyond that, there are also changing social trends which are driving different forms of consumption in China, which then support investments that are more reflective of the transformation in China. In this article, we discuss more about how young Chinese are the main driving force in China’s consumer market and identify the winners of this quiet but significant sea change in consumer behaviour.

China A-shares Q4 2023 factor review
Extremely negative sentiment culminating Q4 2023 toward Chinese stocks have brought A shares to exceedingly low valuations for an economy with so much inherent growth potential, that it would appear the upside risks far outweigh the downside risks at this point. Meanwhile we see differentiating features of the bedrock and new economy indices including factors tilting toward bargain stocks and high-quality growth at a reasonable price, along with a concentration in strategic sectors that truly drive China’s real economy. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors reviews the factor performance of the onshore A-shares markets in Q4 2023, and reasons why investors may look back at 2024 as a turning point for China’s equity markets, and outstanding entry point for a vintage well positioned for growth recovery in the new normal.
Extremely negative sentiment culminating Q4 2023 toward Chinese stocks have brought A shares to exceedingly low valuations for an economy with so much inherent growth potential, that it would appear the upside risks far outweigh the downside risks at this point. Meanwhile we see differentiating features of the bedrock and new economy indices including factors tilting toward bargain stocks and high-quality growth at a reasonable price, along with a concentration in strategic sectors that truly drive China’s real economy. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors reviews the factor performance of the onshore A-shares markets in Q4 2023, and reasons why investors may look back at 2024 as a turning point for China’s equity markets, and outstanding entry point for a vintage well positioned for growth recovery in the new normal.