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토픽별 인사이트: Trade

China: Set to overtake the US economy sooner than expected
The only major economy to grow in 2020. China has turned adversity from the COVID-19 pandemic into the best growth performance in the world for 2020.
2021년 1월 27일
The only major economy to grow in 2020. China has turned adversity from the COVID-19 pandemic into the best growth performance in the world for 2020.
2021년 1월 27일

RCEP: implications of the world’s biggest trade pact
A major global trading and geopolitical event happened last week, attracting relatively little commentary from a media more preoccupied with US politics and the pandemic.
2020년 11월 24일
A major global trading and geopolitical event happened last week, attracting relatively little commentary from a media more preoccupied with US politics and the pandemic.
2020년 11월 24일