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Investment opportunities amidst the COVID-19 Crisis
Investment opportunities amidst the COVID-19 Crisis
2020. 4. 13.

아래 번역 결과는 AliCloud의 기계번역 엔진에서 생성된 결과로, 단순 참조용으로만 사용하시기 바랍니다. 프리미아 파트너스는 본 내용의 정확성 또는 적절성에 대한 책임을 지지 않으며, 번역본과 영문 원본 사이에 불일치하는 내용이 있을 경우 영문 원본 내용이 우선합니다.

As global asset prices have slumped on the back of the COVID-19 outbreak, concerns have arisen from supply chain disruptions to about global recession and a liquidity crisis. In this webinar, David Lai and Larry Kwok would discuss the lessons learned from the GFC, share our observations of some pandemic-led trends and implications, and suggest a few related investment ideas.
As global asset prices have slumped on the back of the COVID-19 outbreak, concerns have arisen from supply chain disruptions to about global recession and a liquidity crisis. In this webinar, David Lai and Larry Kwok would discuss the lessons learned from the GFC, share our observations of some pandemic-led trends and implications, and suggest a few related investment ideas.
  • David Lai
    David Lai , CFA

    Partner, Co-CIO

  • Larry Kwok
    Larry Kwok , CFA

    Director, Sales & Distribution

아래 번역 결과는 AliCloud의 기계번역 엔진에서 생성된 결과로, 단순 참조용으로만 사용하시기 바랍니다. 프리미아 파트너스는 본 내용의 정확성 또는 적절성에 대한 책임을 지지 않으며, 번역본과 영문 원본 사이에 불일치하는 내용이 있을 경우 영문 원본 내용이 우선합니다.

As global asset prices have slumped on the back of the COVID-19 outbreak, concerns have arisen from supply chain disruptions to about global recession and a liquidity crisis. In this webinar, David Lai and Larry Kwok would discuss the lessons learned from the GFC, share our observations of some pandemic-led trends and implications, and suggest a few related investment ideas.
As global asset prices have slumped on the back of the COVID-19 outbreak, concerns have arisen from supply chain disruptions to about global recession and a liquidity crisis. In this webinar, David Lai and Larry Kwok would discuss the lessons learned from the GFC, share our observations of some pandemic-led trends and implications, and suggest a few related investment ideas.