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Asia innovative technologies: capturing the new norms & sustainable growth opportunities
Asia innovative technologies: capturing the new norms & sustainable growth opportunities

The translation results below are generated by AliCloud’s machine translation engine and is purely for reference only. Premia Partners does not take responsibility for the accuracy or appropriateness of the content, and where the meaning differs from the original in English, the original version prevails.

As Asia deal with the challenges from the outbreak of coronavirus, one remarkable phenomenon is the massive behavioural change from offline to online across the billions population. In this webinar, we will share with you the key structural megatrends in Asia, how technology-enabled development is creating a more empowering, inclusive society, and how such blitzscaling opportunities can be captured in the form of our Asia Innovative Technology strategy.
As Asia deal with the challenges from the outbreak of coronavirus, one remarkable phenomenon is the massive behavioural change from offline to online across the billions population. In this webinar, we will share with you the key structural megatrends in Asia, how technology-enabled development is creating a more empowering, inclusive society, and how such blitzscaling opportunities can be captured in the form of our Asia Innovative Technology strategy.
  • Research & Analytics
    Research & Analytics
  • Laura Lui
    Laura Lui

    Partner, Co-CIO

The translation results below are generated by AliCloud’s machine translation engine and is purely for reference only. Premia Partners does not take responsibility for the accuracy or appropriateness of the content, and where the meaning differs from the original in English, the original version prevails.

As Asia deal with the challenges from the outbreak of coronavirus, one remarkable phenomenon is the massive behavioural change from offline to online across the billions population. In this webinar, we will share with you the key structural megatrends in Asia, how technology-enabled development is creating a more empowering, inclusive society, and how such blitzscaling opportunities can be captured in the form of our Asia Innovative Technology strategy.
As Asia deal with the challenges from the outbreak of coronavirus, one remarkable phenomenon is the massive behavioural change from offline to online across the billions population. In this webinar, we will share with you the key structural megatrends in Asia, how technology-enabled development is creating a more empowering, inclusive society, and how such blitzscaling opportunities can be captured in the form of our Asia Innovative Technology strategy.