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Premia Chart of the Week
Premia Chart of the Week

以下翻譯結果由阿里雲機器翻譯引擎生成,僅供參考。 睿亞資產對內容的準確性或適當性不承擔任何責任,如與英文原文含義不同,以原文為準。

In the background of the on-going discussion on trade war and the reaccelerating infrastructure investment, investors should be reminded that China’s consumption story remains intact.  Consumption has always been the major driver for the GDP growth in China in the past decade. The impact is also reflected in the A-share market.

  • 賴子健
    賴子健 , CFA


  • 賴子健
    賴子健 , CFA


以下翻譯結果由阿里雲機器翻譯引擎生成,僅供參考。 睿亞資產對內容的準確性或適當性不承擔任何責任,如與英文原文含義不同,以原文為準。

In the background of the on-going discussion on trade war and the reaccelerating infrastructure investment, investors should be reminded that China’s consumption story remains intact.  Consumption has always been the major driver for the GDP growth in China in the past decade. The impact is also reflected in the A-share market.