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7 Insights with Topic: Reopening

Why the Chinese economy and Chinese equities may surprise to the upside
insightWhy the Chinese economy and Chinese equities may surprise to the upside

In a refreshing break from the consensus of gloom surrounding China, Cambridge Associates wrote recently that the Chinese economy was not stalling. Meanwhile IMF holds steady its China GDP growth forecasts in the World Economic Outlook Update report released last week, at 5.2% for 2023 and 4.5% for 2024. In this article, our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim shares more about why China may surprise to the upside and the appeal of Chinese equities as a relative value play.

Aug 03, 2023

China A-shares Q2 2023 factor review
insightChina A-shares Q2 2023 factor review

While global equities generally performed well in Q2 amidst a frenzy around A.I., sentiment toward Chinese stocks remained lacklustre as investor enthusiasm waned. That said there remained bright spots in the market that quietly outperformed - including our multi-factor China Bedrock Economy ETF which delivered YTD USD return of ~12.6% as of Aug 2nd 2023. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors, reviewed the performance of various style factors during the quarter, and discusses why we see China as grossly undervalued going into the second half.

Aug 01, 2023

China A-shares Q1 2023 factor review
insightChina A-shares Q1 2023 factor review

China’s stock market rode a wave of positive sentiment on a policy shift that brought the world’s second-largest economy out of lockdown, pushing the CSI 300 Index up 4.7% for the quarter and leading to even stronger performance for strategies applying intelligent factor tilts within the bedrock economy and new economy. Even so, macro data throughout the quarter charting China’s recovery from strict zero-COVID containment measures led some investors to question the strength and sustainability of the nation’s economic rebound. In this article, Dr. Phillip Wool, Global Head of Research of Rayliant Global Advisors discusses first-quarter performance and considers what the next phase of China’s reopening could mean for investors.

May 18, 2023

[KR] 중국 투자자·자산배분 투자자들로부터 가장 많이 받은 질문 10가지
insight[KR] 중국 투자자·자산배분 투자자들로부터 가장 많이 받은 질문 10가지

중국 시장은 2022년 10월 이후 중국 리오프닝과 코로나 정책 완화에 따른 강한 반등세를 보였는데요. 해외 중국주식에서 장기적인 강세장에 돌입하여 초과수익률을 낼 수 있을 것으로 기대되는 중국A주로 투자 자금 흐름 로테이션이 관찰되기 시작했습니다. 중국은 현재 리오프닝 경기 회복 궤도 속 어느 지점에 있을까요? 초과수익률을 가져다 줄 수 있는 정책 지원 섹터 리딩기업들은 무엇일까요? 이는 저희 클라이언트들에게 자주 받는 질문들입니다. 이번 글에서는 투자자 분들과의 대화 중 최근에 가장 많았던 질문 10가지를 소개해드리려고 합니다. 또, 중국의 리오프닝 그리고 그 다음 챕터인 경제성장 회복 궤도 속에서 발생되는 기회들에 대한 인사이트를 공유합니다.

Mar 17, 2023

Have you switched? Why we believe onshore A shares are picking up the baton for the second act of China’s recovery trajectory
insightHave you switched? Why we believe onshore A shares are picking up the baton for the second act of China’s recovery trajectory

China market has taken a pause after a strong rally in the past few months. The renewed hawkish tone from the US Fed may be the main reason behind the consolidation. Some critics are suggesting that the China reopening trade is done, or has become overcrowded already with not much immediate upside as a tactical trade. In this article, our Partner & Co-CIO David Lai addresses this topic from various aspects ranging from macro economies, investors’ positioning, to policy agenda and market valuation. He would also share why we believe it’s onshore A-shares that are picking up the baton for the second act of the rally - as the China reopening play evolves from short term tactical, to fundamental strategic opportunities driven by positive earnings growth and restoration of business and consumer confidence.

Mar 02, 2023

Q4 2022 China A-shares factor review
insightQ4 2022 China A-shares factor review

Chinese stocks took a rollercoaster ride in Q4, as the immediate lacklustre reaction to October’s National Congress gave way to a rally on the back of policy support in November. Investors finally cheered Beijing’s abrupt dismantling of its restrictive zero-COVID policies, as the year came to a close. By the end of December, the CSI 300 Index was up 2% on the quarter. Below in this article, Dr. Philip Wool, Managing Director and Head of Investment Solutions of Rayliant Global Advisors, would explore critical developments in the macro picture at the turn of the year, discuss fourth-quarter performance and factor rotation pattern through the period, and also provide our thoughts as to what reopening has in store for Chinese stocks in 2023.

Feb 04, 2023

[KR] 2023 시장 전망 - 2부: 중국 시장에 대한 고찰
insight[KR] 2023 시장 전망 - 2부: 중국 시장에 대한 고찰

2022년에는 전세계적으로 투자자들이 플러스 수익률을 낼 수 있는 시장을 찾는 것 자체가 어려웠습니다. 중국시장 역시 H주, A주, ADR주 모두 올해 첫 11개월 간 달러 수익률이 20~29%씩 하락하는 등 매도세에서 벗어날 수 없었는데요. 외국인 투자자들의 순매도세가 이어지는 동안 시장 회전율은 감소하였습니다. 중국 내부적으로 잦은 코로나 봉쇄조치, 부동산 시장 침체, 계속되는 빅테크 감시, 미중 관계 악화 등의 요인 모두 중국 증시 약세 기조에 기여했습니다. 대외적으로는 우크라이나-러시아 전쟁, 높은 인플레 압력, 가속화된 금리 인상 주기, 달러 강세 등의 이벤트들로 인해 위험자산에 대한 투자자 신뢰도가 더욱 약화되었습니다.

Dec 06, 2022