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토픽별 인사이트: Economic Recovery

Why China’s youth unemployment will likely decline
The youth unemployment rate in China has been much talked about, however the phenomenon is often poorly interpreted without addressing the important nuances behind the structural, transformational and societal factors in China. In fact, the elevated unemployment rate is a transitional legacy from COVID and many countries also shared the experience of high youth unemployment. There is a lag in China’s youth unemployment data compared to western countries, given China’s relatively late reopening from the COVID pandemic. In this article, we discuss the structural factors contributing to the youth unemployment rate in China, and explain why the number will likely to decline and why the unemployed youth will be absorbed into workforce as China continues on its path of recovery.
2023년 8월 24일
The youth unemployment rate in China has been much talked about, however the phenomenon is often poorly interpreted without addressing the important nuances behind the structural, transformational and societal factors in China. In fact, the elevated unemployment rate is a transitional legacy from COVID and many countries also shared the experience of high youth unemployment. There is a lag in China’s youth unemployment data compared to western countries, given China’s relatively late reopening from the COVID pandemic. In this article, we discuss the structural factors contributing to the youth unemployment rate in China, and explain why the number will likely to decline and why the unemployed youth will be absorbed into workforce as China continues on its path of recovery.
2023년 8월 24일

Why China 2023 is not Japan 1990
With the world except for China busy taming inflation, the China “lost decade” narrative has been driving pessimism over Chinese assets in recent months. How much of this fear could be substantiated and how much of it is fear of shadows? In this article our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim reviews this topic from multiple angles, and explains why China today is unlikely to be Japan 1990 given significant differences in labour forces, total factor productivity (TFP), government policy focus, R&D spendings, financial resources and tools available to the government as well as structural growth from urbanisation and well capitalised state-owned banks that continue to support the case for China to avoid Japan’s secular stagnation.
2023년 7월 10일
With the world except for China busy taming inflation, the China “lost decade” narrative has been driving pessimism over Chinese assets in recent months. How much of this fear could be substantiated and how much of it is fear of shadows? In this article our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim reviews this topic from multiple angles, and explains why China today is unlikely to be Japan 1990 given significant differences in labour forces, total factor productivity (TFP), government policy focus, R&D spendings, financial resources and tools available to the government as well as structural growth from urbanisation and well capitalised state-owned banks that continue to support the case for China to avoid Japan’s secular stagnation.
2023년 7월 10일

12 charts and where does China fare among its emerging market peers in the context of economic resilience
As China’s post reopening recovery has taken a slower pace than the high hopes of the markets, there have been concerns that China’s economic growth will be lower for longer resembling Japan’s "Lost Decade". However it is important to note China and its people do have a solid track record of resilience, and there are several structural features of China that differentiates it from other emerging markets or Japan in its growth trajectory. In this article, our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim shares 12 interesting charts to review in the context of China’s relatively high economic resilience (as measured by the Swiss Re Institute’s Resilience Index), comparing with MSCI Emerging Markets ex-China’s key constituents namely India, Brazil, South Korea, Taiwan, and Saudi Arabia. Economic resilience being a product a policy stability and prudence, are pointing to an undervalued opportunity in Chinese equities and the appeal of Chinese government bonds for its stable yield at a time when other countries’ government rates and bond yields are surging.
2023년 7월 3일
As China’s post reopening recovery has taken a slower pace than the high hopes of the markets, there have been concerns that China’s economic growth will be lower for longer resembling Japan’s "Lost Decade". However it is important to note China and its people do have a solid track record of resilience, and there are several structural features of China that differentiates it from other emerging markets or Japan in its growth trajectory. In this article, our Senior Advisor Say Boon Lim shares 12 interesting charts to review in the context of China’s relatively high economic resilience (as measured by the Swiss Re Institute’s Resilience Index), comparing with MSCI Emerging Markets ex-China’s key constituents namely India, Brazil, South Korea, Taiwan, and Saudi Arabia. Economic resilience being a product a policy stability and prudence, are pointing to an undervalued opportunity in Chinese equities and the appeal of Chinese government bonds for its stable yield at a time when other countries’ government rates and bond yields are surging.
2023년 7월 3일

[KR] 중국, 4월 경기지표 너머로
중국 4월 데이터는 시장 기대치에 미치지 못했지만, 실망감은 시장이 자체적으로 매우 높게 세운 기대치에서 비롯된 것인데요. 사실상 이른바 4월의 "실망감"은 전세계적인 맥락에서 본다면 아주 다르게 보입니다. 이번 인사이트에서 당사의 선임 고문 Say Boon Lim은 중국의 자체 5% 성장 목표와 올해 중국이 세계 GDP 성장의 약 30%에 기여할 것이라는 IMF의 예상을 고려해볼 때 그렇게 높은 기대치에 미달한 것에 대한 실망보다는 더 큰 산을 볼 필요가 있다고 전했습니다.
2023년 6월 8일
중국 4월 데이터는 시장 기대치에 미치지 못했지만, 실망감은 시장이 자체적으로 매우 높게 세운 기대치에서 비롯된 것인데요. 사실상 이른바 4월의 "실망감"은 전세계적인 맥락에서 본다면 아주 다르게 보입니다. 이번 인사이트에서 당사의 선임 고문 Say Boon Lim은 중국의 자체 5% 성장 목표와 올해 중국이 세계 GDP 성장의 약 30%에 기여할 것이라는 IMF의 예상을 고려해볼 때 그렇게 높은 기대치에 미달한 것에 대한 실망보다는 더 큰 산을 볼 필요가 있다고 전했습니다.
2023년 6월 8일

[KR] 중국 국영기업(SOE) – 리레이팅·가치 재평가 과정 속 잠재 가치를 발굴하기 위한 여정
과거 투자자들은 중국 주식 소유시 국영기업(SOE)보단 민영기업(POE)을 더 선호했습니다. 보통 민영기업은 더 효율적으로 운영되며 성장·이익·혁신을 추구하는 경향이 있는 반면, 국영기업은 보통 관료주의, 사회적 책임, 고용·사회적 안정 지원, 그리고 변화·혁신과는 거리가 먼 전통적인 사내문화에 얽매인 채 운영된다는 고정관념이 존재했기 때문이다. 그러나 정부의 강력한 지원 뿐만 아니라, 국영기업 개혁을 촉진하고 국영기업들의 가치 발굴을 강조하는 새 정책들이 속속 등장함에 따라, 이제는 이러한 고정관념을 타파할 때가 된 것 같습니다. 변화를 위해 노력하고, 또 진정한 경제 발전에 기여할 수 있도록 재편성되고 새로운 가치를 발견할 수 있게끔 정책 결정자들의 전폭적인 지지를 받는 국영기업들이 새로이 등장하고 있기 때문입니다. 이 글에서는 최근 인기를 끌고 있는 국영기업 리레이팅/가치 재평가 테마의 배경에 대해 논의해볼 것이며, 중국 국영기업 테마에 적절한 익스포져를 갖기 위한 최적의 방법을 소개합니다.
2023년 5월 26일
과거 투자자들은 중국 주식 소유시 국영기업(SOE)보단 민영기업(POE)을 더 선호했습니다. 보통 민영기업은 더 효율적으로 운영되며 성장·이익·혁신을 추구하는 경향이 있는 반면, 국영기업은 보통 관료주의, 사회적 책임, 고용·사회적 안정 지원, 그리고 변화·혁신과는 거리가 먼 전통적인 사내문화에 얽매인 채 운영된다는 고정관념이 존재했기 때문이다. 그러나 정부의 강력한 지원 뿐만 아니라, 국영기업 개혁을 촉진하고 국영기업들의 가치 발굴을 강조하는 새 정책들이 속속 등장함에 따라, 이제는 이러한 고정관념을 타파할 때가 된 것 같습니다. 변화를 위해 노력하고, 또 진정한 경제 발전에 기여할 수 있도록 재편성되고 새로운 가치를 발견할 수 있게끔 정책 결정자들의 전폭적인 지지를 받는 국영기업들이 새로이 등장하고 있기 때문입니다. 이 글에서는 최근 인기를 끌고 있는 국영기업 리레이팅/가치 재평가 테마의 배경에 대해 논의해볼 것이며, 중국 국영기업 테마에 적절한 익스포져를 갖기 위한 최적의 방법을 소개합니다.
2023년 5월 26일

Have you switched? Why we believe onshore A shares are picking up the baton for the second act of China’s recovery trajectory
China market has taken a pause after a strong rally in the past few months. The renewed hawkish tone from the US Fed may be the main reason behind the consolidation. Some critics are suggesting that the China reopening trade is done, or has become overcrowded already with not much immediate upside as a tactical trade. In this article, our Partner & Co-CIO David Lai addresses this topic from various aspects ranging from macro economies, investors’ positioning, to policy agenda and market valuation. He would also share why we believe it’s onshore A-shares that are picking up the baton for the second act of the rally - as the China reopening play evolves from short term tactical, to fundamental strategic opportunities driven by positive earnings growth and restoration of business and consumer confidence.
2023년 3월 2일
China market has taken a pause after a strong rally in the past few months. The renewed hawkish tone from the US Fed may be the main reason behind the consolidation. Some critics are suggesting that the China reopening trade is done, or has become overcrowded already with not much immediate upside as a tactical trade. In this article, our Partner & Co-CIO David Lai addresses this topic from various aspects ranging from macro economies, investors’ positioning, to policy agenda and market valuation. He would also share why we believe it’s onshore A-shares that are picking up the baton for the second act of the rally - as the China reopening play evolves from short term tactical, to fundamental strategic opportunities driven by positive earnings growth and restoration of business and consumer confidence.
2023년 3월 2일