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Premia Chart of the Week
Premia Chart of the Week

The translation results below are generated by AliCloud’s machine translation engine and is purely for reference only. Premia Partners does not take responsibility for the accuracy or appropriateness of the content, and where the meaning differs from the original in English, the original version prevails.

Welcome to our 2nd Premia Partners Chart of the Week video. This week, we share two sets of charts that show the different behavior among various A-shares cohorts. We first look at valuations by market cap, showing that not all A-shares are created equal (or cheap as the case may be). We then highlight long-term and recent performance, pointing out that future returns are unlikely to be found within the A-shares stocks and ETFs we're all used to. Going to the tickers we know may be the easiest, but not the most profitable, trade going forward.

  • David Lai
    David Lai , CFA

    Partner, Co-CIO

  • David Lai
    David Lai , CFA

    Partner, Co-CIO

The translation results below are generated by AliCloud’s machine translation engine and is purely for reference only. Premia Partners does not take responsibility for the accuracy or appropriateness of the content, and where the meaning differs from the original in English, the original version prevails.

Welcome to our 2nd Premia Partners Chart of the Week video. This week, we share two sets of charts that show the different behavior among various A-shares cohorts. We first look at valuations by market cap, showing that not all A-shares are created equal (or cheap as the case may be). We then highlight long-term and recent performance, pointing out that future returns are unlikely to be found within the A-shares stocks and ETFs we're all used to. Going to the tickers we know may be the easiest, but not the most profitable, trade going forward.